Αυτή Η Γυναίκα Έχασε 44 Κιλά Όταν Έπαψε Να Αναγνωρίζει Τον Εαυτό Της Στις Φωτογραφίες

Αυτή Η Γυναίκα Έχασε 44 Κιλά Όταν Έπαψε Να Αναγνωρίζει Τον Εαυτό Της Στις Φωτογραφίες

Όλοι έχουμε περάσει περιόδους που νιώθουμε την ανάγκη να χάσουμε κιλά, αλλά δεν κάνουμε απολύτως τίποτα γι’ αυτό.

Μερικές φορές, χρειάζεται ένα αρκετά ισχυρό (και το «ισχυρό» έχει διαφορετική σημασία για τον καθένα) κίνητρο για να το πάρουμε απόφαση.

Για την Rebecca Grafton, από τη Φιλαδέλφεια της Αμερικής, αυτό που την ταρακούνησε δεν ήταν θέμα εμφάνισης ή ανασφαλειών, ούτε καν θέμα υγείας, αλλά κάτι που ίσως για κάποιον άλλον περνούσε απαρατήρητο. Το πόσο «αλλοιωμένη» τής φάνηκε η φιγούρα της κοιτώντας τον εαυτό της σε μια φωτογραφία.


Ηταν η περίοδος που είχε αποφοιτήσει από το πανεπιστήμιο, όταν έμεινε για πρώτη φορά σε δικό της σπίτι. Αν και μαγείρευε μόνη της τα γεύματα της, άρχισε να καταναλώνει περισσότερο φαγητό και, παράλληλα, να πίνει αλκοόλ. Και κάπως έτσι το βάρος της όλο και αυξανόταν.

Την περίοδο που ήταν στα πιο βαριά της έφτασε να ζυγίζει 107 κιλά και, πλέον, είχε πάψει να θυμίζει το υγιές και δραστήριο κορίτσι που ήταν κάποτε.

#tbt Last week during the soup competition at my work a new employee made a comment to a coworker of mine: she said “how does that girl stay so skinny working here?” When I heard about it later I wanted to laugh, because obviously she didn’t know where I started from! This #throwbackthursday is from April of 2014 before I started my current job when I was down almost 30 pounds from my highest weight and finally starting to see progress. I texted my mom this picture from the dressing room while shopping for new work clothes because I was so proud of my progress and that I could actually shop at regular stores again instead of plus size shops. I started at my current job in May of 2014 and continued to drop 70 more pounds by Jan of 2016 to get to get to my goal weight and have been maintaining since then. I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how many donuts, cakes, pizzas, pretzels, baked goods, etc. I have turned down in that time frame. Yes: if you work in a large office there is a fair chance there will often be food around. THAT DOESN’T MEAN YOU HAVE TO EAT IT! That was one of the first changes I had to make on my journey: I just cut out all extra work treats entirely. Do you have to do the exact same thing? No, but when I was heavy whenever there were treats at the office I ALWAYS ate them so it was just easier for me to cut them out entirely. I’d rather save up for a dessert that I could enjoy at home when I’m relaxed and and actually be able to ENJOY it instead of scarfing down a lukewarm slice of pizza while juggling phone calls from customers. ? Find what works for you: if donut Friday at work is your jam, plan it into your day and go for it. Just remember though that just because food is available or being offered to you: you do NOT have to eat it and you do NOT have to feel guilty about it either. Stick to your goals and stick to your plan, you do you boo??

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Rebecca Grafton (@mygirlishwhims) στις


Αυτό την έπεισε πως ήταν καιρός για μια δραστική αλλαγή. Η, 27χρονη τότε, Rebecca το πήρε απόφαση και ξεκίνησε το προσωπικό της ταξίδι για ένα πιο υγιές βάρος και μια πιο καλλίγραμμη φιγούρα.

Ξεκίνησε την προσπάθεια της καταμετρώντας τις θερμίδες που κατανάλωνε. Μάλιστα, όπως δηλώνει στο popsugar.com, είχε κατεβάσει και την εφαρμογή My Fitness Pal που τη βοηθούσε να κρατάει το «λογαριασμό».

Για να κάνει πιο ομαλή τη μετάβαση από τις μεγάλες ποσότητες φαγητού, στις μικρότερες και πιο υγιεινές, στο τέλος της κάθε εβδομάδας, επέτρεπε στον εαυτό της ένα ελεύθερο γεύμα ώστε να μη νιώθει ότι στερείται.

Ακολουθώντας τον κανόνα 80/20, μπορούσε να κάνει ένα διάλειμμα από την αυστηρή καταμέτρηση των θερμίδων και να ικανοποιήσει τις πιο διακαείς διατροφικές της επιθυμίες, χωρίς να θέσει σε κίνδυνο την πρόοδό της.

Παράλληλα έβαλε την άσκηση στη ζωή της προσπαθώντας να γυμνάζεται κάθε μέρα, για μια ώρα. Το ασκησιολόγιο της περιλάμβανε ασκήσεις όπως μάθημα spinning, μπάρα με βάρη, αερόβια προγράμματα γυμναστικής (τα οποία ακολουθούσε παρακολουθώντας DVD από το σπίτι της) και 5 με 10 χιλιόμετρα τρέξιμο.

Comes all the way to Nashville and still finds a Lifetime Fitness to selfie at and fit in a super sweaty stairmaster session ??? Hah, totally coincidental but the first time I ever come to TN happened to be the same weekend @lifetime.life just opened a brand new gym in Franklin so obvi we had to uber over to check it out! Some serious calories were burned during that stairmaster session but I’m sure some serious calories will also be consumed out to dinner tonight: it’s our last full day in Nashville so I’m sure we will find some kind of yummy southern food ? For now it’s time to shower up and head out to a winery! Saturday Gym dates with my bae and then winery visits – feels just like home hah ? #MGWdoesNashville #gymlife #gymrat #lifetimefitness #lifetimefitnessfranklin #stairmaster

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Rebecca Grafton (@mygirlishwhims) στις

Με την πάροδο του χρόνου και την επιμονή στο παραπάνω πρόγραμμα, ο αριθμός στη ζυγαριά άρχισε να πέφτει και το σώμα της να αλλάζει. Μέσα σε δύο χρόνια έριξε το βάρος της κατά 44 κιλά.

#TransformationTuesday Same girl: just 100 pounds lighter with new goals, new motivation and a whole new outlook on life after dedicating two years of my life to changing my lifestyle and ultimately changing my body and health in the process. I was feeling pretty miserable about myself in the left picture. All I could see was how much my body had changed after ballooning up to 246 pounds and it was scary to think about how long and how much work it was going to take to change that. I didn’t let that stop me from starting though: I made small and gradual changes that led to progress and results and I stayed dedicated week after week. I started working out everyday, I counted calories so I could still eat the foods I liked but in moderation, I stopped drinking during the week and I signed up for a DietBet at the beginning of my journey to help keep me motivated. Find out what works for YOU, find a way to keep yourself accountable and motivated, and ultimately NEVER GIVE UP no matter how many times you fail or see progress stall along the way. I’m hosting my next DietBet which starts two weeks from today: if you need extra motivation and support to help kickstart your own weight loss journey click the link in my bio to join my game or leave your email in the comments and I will send you an invite to the game! All you have to do is bet $35 that you can lose 4% of your starting weight in 4 weeks and if you do, you win your bet back plus split a portion of the pot with the other winners! ?? Get support from me and the other players in the game and ultimately have fun while losing weight and winning money and working towards a healthier and happier you ?? #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #weightlossinspiration #weightlosstransformation #weightlossbeforeandafter #100poundsdown #fitfam #fitspo #weightlossbeforeandafter

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Rebecca Grafton (@mygirlishwhims) στις

The girl on the left was 100 pounds overweight, unhappy, and doubtful that she actually had enough motivation to stick to a diet plan long enough to see results but she knew she had to do SOMETHING to stop the scale from going up and up after finally hitting 246 pounds. I made small changes to start and screwed up plenty of times along the way but I finally decided that no matter how long it took me, I was just going to keep on going and NEVER GIVE UP! You don’t have to be perfect to start – you don’t need a fancy meal plan or a customized workout routine – you just need to START! Make healthier food choices, get your body moving, and have a little faith that you ARE capable of making a change, you ARE stronger than you think and your health and happiness ARE worth fighting for! If you wait for the “perfect” time to start- more and more excuses will always come up and a year from now you will still be in the same spot you are today. It took me two years to lose 100 pounds and it was the BEST thing I ever did for myself and I 100% wish I would have done it years sooner. Don’t wait until the New Year to set a new goal, decide NOW that you are capable of making a change. My next DietBet starts in just under 2 weeks on December 3rd and it is the perfect motivational tool to get yourself started. You just bet $35 that you can lose 4% of your starting weight in 4 weeks and if you do you win your bet back PLUS split a portion of the pot with the other winners. The best part though is you get tons of support from myself and the other players who are playing right along with you sending tons of love and motivation every step of the way ? The game is open worldwide – click the link in my profile to join or leave your email in the comments and I’ll send you an invite to join the game! #transformationtuesday #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossinspiration #weightlossmotivation #weightlossbeforeandafter #fifam #fitspo #100poundsdown

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Rebecca Grafton (@mygirlishwhims) στις

«Ακόμα και τα δάχτυλα μου μίκρυναν και για πρώτη φορά στη ζωή μου είχα επίπεδη κοιλιά. Επιτέλους ένιωθα αυτοπεποίθηση», αναφέρει σε ποστ της στο Instagram.

«Επιπλέον, άλλαξε ακόμα και το πρόσωπό μου. Τόσο ώστε η μητέρα μου δε με αναγνώρισε μια φορά όταν συναντηθήκαμε έξω», συμπληρώνει.

Πλέον, έχοντας διώξει από το σώμα της τα κιλά που τη βάραιναν και ούσα αποφασισμένη να διατηρήσει αυτό το βάρος, έχει αποφασίσει να ενθαρρύνει και άλλα άτομα εκεί έξω να ακολουθήσουν το παράδειγμά της.

Έτσι, μέσω του λογαριασμού της στο Instagram, δίνει καθημερινά έμπνευση, μοιράζοντας συμβουλές και προτάσεις για υγιεινή διατροφή και άσκηση. Η προσπάθειά της να κάνει κι άλλους ανθρώπους να βρουν το κίνητρο να χάσουν βάρος ή να το διατηρήσουν, έχει βρει ανταπόκριση σε περισσότερους από 140.000 followers.

«Λαμβάνω συνεχώς σχόλια και μηνύματα από γυναίκες που μου αποκαλύπτουν πως, χάρη σε εμένα, βρήκαν το θάρρος να ξεκινήσουν γυμναστήριο για πρώτη φορά ή να αλλάξουν τις διατροφικές τους συνήθειες και, τελικά, να χάσουν 10, 20 ή και 40 κιλά. Είναι υπέροχο να βλέπεις ανθρώπους να παίρνουν έμπνευση από εσένα και να πιστεύουν ότι μπορούν να πετύχουν μια παρόμοια αλλαγή».

For being able to wear something that used to fit me as a shirt as a dress ?? For being able to train and run 5ks and half marathons when I could never even run a full mile in high school. For gaining my HEALTH and my LIFE back: that is why I stayed dedicated week after week to change my life and lose 100 pounds: that is what keeps me motivated to stay the course with my health and fitness routine to this day. I didn’t know how strong I was until I finally said ENOUGH when I saw 246 pounds on the scale and knew I needed to make a change. I didn’t know exactly how to do it, I didn’t know how long it would take to reach my goal, I just knew I needed to START and I found my strength and my willpower and figured out the details along the way. DECIDING to change is half the battle with weight loss. It means committing to yourself and changing up your routine to make time for those workouts, to being strong enough to turn down the extra treats at home or at the office, to being DEDICATED long enough to see your results. After you decide and commit to that truly being what you want: slowly over time the process gets easier because you know you are working towards your goal and everything it takes along the way to get there becomes worth it ?? Decide NOW to commit to yourself. If you are the type of person who needs extra help sticking to your goals, consider joining my DietBet which just started today to literally bet on yourself that you can do this ?? You just have to bet $35 that you can lose 4% of your starting weight in 4 weeks and if you do you win your bet back PLUS split a portion of the pot with the other winners. Get help and support along the way from myself and the other players in the game as well ? Click the link in my bio to join the game or leave your email below and I’ll send you an invite! #transformationtuesday #repost #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #weightlossinspiration #weightlossbeforeandafter #100poundsdown #fitfam #fitspo #fitspiration

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Rebecca Grafton (@mygirlishwhims) στις

i sure love doing life with you, Cleveland Browns socks and all ?❤️

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Rebecca Grafton (@mygirlishwhims) στις


Πηγή: bovary.gr

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